Prismacolor & ink on 5 x 8 1/4 Moleskin page
This is a series of scenes from my diary about our experience and excitement voting during the 2008 election. The morning started as every work morning, behind schedule. We received a a phone call from Chelsey that she was on her way over to car pool into work with us. I told her Heather was getting ready and that we wanted to vote before going into work. She asked if I or Heather would call their dad and tell him that they would be late because of voting. I called him and told him we were going to vote. While waiting for Heather to finish getting ready and for Chelsey to get there, I pulled out the laptop to look at the 12 California initiatives on the ballet and make a cheat sheet so voting would go quickly. Heather finish getting ready and we rushed out to the car and I called Chelsey to see where she was. It turns out she went back home because she didn't want to wait for us. So we waited in the car till she got there. We went to a grade school. There were these kind volunteers that helped us. It ends up that we had gone to the wrong voting place because when they checked for our names they didn't have us on their list. We filled out a paper our paperwork to vote there and all three of us were off voting in our own personal booth. We shared the cheat sheet by passing it to each other as each of us finished with it. On our way out we stuffed our ballets into our packet and deposited it into a box. We each received a voter sticker that we proudly placed on our chest like a boy-scout (and in this case a girl-scout) brandishing a newly awarded merit badge. As we walked out of the voting room the sun illuminated the scene of the three superheroes who had just done their civic duty. When I was in my office that morning, Stan my office land lord poked his head into my studio and asked, "Did you do your legal duty this morning?" I was proud to say, "why yes I did and I have the sticker to prove it."
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